Results for 'J. E. White'

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  1.  57
    Is Buddhist Karmic Theory False?: J. E. WHITE.J. E. White - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (2):223-228.
    In his recent article ‘Notes Towards a Critique of Buddhist Karmic Theory’ Paul J. Griffiths makes four criticisms of Buddhist karmic theory: it is empirically false, it is incoherent, it is morally repugnant, and it is vacuous. After listing these four criticisms, Griffiths concludes that ‘all these mean that Buddhist karmic theory as expounded in the major theoretical works devoted to it must be false’.
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    Hedman on Explanation.J. E. White - 1972 - Mind 81 (324):595 - 596.
  3. Avowed Reasons and Causal Explanations.J. E. White - 1971 - Mind 80:238.
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  4. Experimental phylogenetics : generation of a known phylogeny.D. M. Hillis, J. J. Bull, M. E. White, M. R. Badgett & I. J. Molineux - 2014 - In Francisco José Ayala & John C. Avise, Essential readings in evolutionary biology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  5. Duane P. Schultz , "The Science of Psychology: Critical Reflections".J. E. White - 1974 - Theory and Decision 4 (3/4):413.
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  6. Logical Necessity and God's Existence.J. E. White - 1972 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 53 (2):199.
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  7. The Educational Ideas of Pestalozzi.J. A. Green, Jessie White & R. E. Hughes - 1906 - International Journal of Ethics 16 (2):251-254.
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  8. Assessment of level of consciousness following severe neurological insult: A comparison of the psychometric qualities of the Glasgow coma scale and the comprehensive level of consciousness scale.D. E. Stanczak, J. G. White & W. D. Gouview - 1984 - Journal of Neurosurgery 60:955-60.
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    The microplastic behaviour of polycrystalline nickel.R. D. Carnahan & J. E. White - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (105):513-526.
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  10. Jerry A. Fodor, "Psychological Explanation". [REVIEW]J. E. White - 1970 - Theory and Decision 1 (2):218.
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    Transport, magnetic, and thermal properties of non-centrosymmetric Yb2Co12P7.J. J. Hamlin, M. Janoschek, R. E. Baumbach, B. D. White & M. B. Maple - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (5):647-654.
  12.  39
    Beyond playing 20 questions with nature: Integrative experiment design in the social and behavioral sciences.Abdullah Almaatouq, Thomas L. Griffiths, Jordan W. Suchow, Mark E. Whiting, James Evans & Duncan J. Watts - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e33.
    The dominant paradigm of experiments in the social and behavioral sciences views an experiment as a test of a theory, where the theory is assumed to generalize beyond the experiment's specific conditions. According to this view, which Alan Newell once characterized as “playing twenty questions with nature,” theory is advanced one experiment at a time, and the integration of disparate findings is assumed to happen via the scientific publishing process. In this article, we argue that the process of integration is (...)
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  13. DFL 65.00. Dolan, B.(ed.): 2000, Malthus, Medicine, & Morality:'Malthusianism'after 1798. Clio Medica 59. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi. 232 pages. ISBN: 90-420-0841-5. Price: DFL 40.00. [REVIEW]N. M. De S. Cameron, S. E. Daniels & B. J. White - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (115).
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    Assembling the thymus medulla: Development and function of epithelial cell heterogeneity.Kieran D. James, Emilie J. Cosway, Sonia M. Parnell, Andrea J. White, William E. Jenkinson & Graham Anderson - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (3):2300165.
    The thymus is a unique primary lymphoid organ that supports the production of self‐tolerant T‐cells essential for adaptive immunity. Intrathymic microenvironments are microanatomically compartmentalised, forming defined cortical, and medullary regions each differentially supporting critical aspects of thymus‐dependent T‐cell maturation. Importantly, the specific functional properties of thymic cortical and medullary compartments are defined by highly specialised thymic epithelial cells (TEC). For example, in the medulla heterogenous medullary TEC (mTEC) contribute to the enforcement of central tolerance by supporting deletion of autoreactive T‐cell (...)
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    Replies to commentaries on beyond playing 20 questions with nature.Abdullah Almaatouq, Thomas L. Griffiths, Jordan W. Suchow, Mark E. Whiting, James Evans & Duncan J. Watts - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e65.
    Commentaries on the target article offer diverse perspectives on integrative experiment design. Our responses engage three themes: (1) Disputes of our characterization of the problem, (2) skepticism toward our proposed solution, and (3) endorsement of the solution, with accompanying discussions of its implementation in existing work and its potential for other domains. Collectively, the commentaries enhance our confidence in the promise and viability of integrative experiment design, while highlighting important considerations about how it is used.
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    Socio‐Economic Change and Emotional Illness among the Highland Maya of Chiapas Mexico.George A. Collier, Pablo J. Farias Campero, John E. Perez & Victor P. White - 2000 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 28 (1):20-53.
  17. Residential assimilation and residential attainment: examining the effects of ethnicity and immigration.Michael J. White, Sharon Sassler, S. Kirchengast, E. M. Winkler, D. L. Blackwell, Y. Weiss, R. J. Willis, B. J. Oddens, P. Lehert & F. Kalter - 1996 - Journal of Biosocial Science 28 (2):193-210.
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    The poor white in South Africa.J. E. Duerdfn - 1923 - The Eugenics Review 14 (4):270.
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  19. A further investigation of childhood experience of family change and ever marriage: race and sex differences.J. H. Li, J. OToole, R. E. Wright, R. H. Gray, L. Rosenberg, E. Johannisson, I. Brosens, F. Cornillie, M. Elder & J. White - 1991 - Journal of Biosocial Science 23 (3):255-62.
  20. Sharon Anderson-Gold, Unnecessary Evil. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2000, 138 pp.(Index). ISBN 0-7914-4820-7, $16.95 (Pb). Filippo Aureli and Frans BM De Waal, eds., Natural Conflict Resolution. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 2000, 409 pp.(Index). ISBN 0-520-22346-2, $24.95 (Pb). [REVIEW]Nigel M. De S. Cameron, Scott E. Daniels, Barbara J. White & Edward S. Casey - 2001 - Journal of Value Inquiry 35:587-590.
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    Ethical Challenges in Clinical Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic.B. E. Bierer, S. A. White, J. M. Barnes & L. Gelinas - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):717-722.
    The sudden emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic brought global disruption to every aspect of society including healthcare, supply chain, the economy, and social interaction. Among the many emergent considerations were the safety and public health of the public, patients, essential workers, and healthcare professionals. In certain locations, clinical research was halted—or terminated—in deference to the immediate needs of patient care, and clinical trials focusing on the treatment and prevention of coronavirus infection were prioritized over studies focusing on other diseases. Difficult (...)
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    Effects of spacing on same-different judgments to simple outline forms.Murray J. White & Dianne E. Green - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (1):70-72.
  23. A Multicenter Weighted Lottery to Equitably Allocate Scarce COVID-19 Therapeutics.D. B. White, E. K. McCreary, C. H. Chang, M. Schmidhofer, J. R. Bariola, N. N. Jonassaint, Parag A. Pathak, G. Persad, R. D. Truog, T. Sonmez & M. Utku Unver - 2022 - American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 206 (4):503–506.
    Shortages of new therapeutics to treat coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have forced clinicians, public health officials, and health systems to grapple with difficult questions about how to fairly allocate potentially life-saving treatments when there are not enough for all patients in need (1). Shortages have occurred with remdesivir, tocilizumab, monoclonal antibodies, and the oral antiviral Paxlovid (2) -/- Ensuring equitable allocation is especially important in light of the disproportionate burden experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic by disadvantaged groups, including Black, Hispanic/Latino and (...)
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    Economists' statement on network neutrality policy.William J. Baumol, Robert E. Litan, Martin E. Cave, Peter Cramton, Robert W. Hahn, Thomas W. Hazlett, Paul L. Joskow, Alfred E. Kahn, John W. Mayo, Patrick A. Messerlin, Bruce M. Owen, Robert S. Pindyck, Vernon L. Smith, Scott Wallsten, Leonard Waverman, Lawrence J. White & Scott Savage - manuscript
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    Addressing the Language Binding Problem With Dynamic Functional Connectivity During Meaningful Spoken Language Comprehension.Erin J. White, Candace Nayman, Benjamin T. Dunkley, Anne E. Keller, Taufik A. Valiante & Elizabeth W. Pang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    How Things Are: Studies in Predication and the History of Philosophy and Science.James Bogen & J. E. Mcguire - 1984 - Springer.
    One of the earliest and most influential treatises on the subject of this volume is Aristotle's Categories. Aristotle's title is a form of the Greek verb for speaking against or submitting an accusation in a legal proceeding. By the time of Aristotle, it also meant: to signify or to predicate. Surprisingly, the "predicates" Aristotle talks about include not only bits of language, but also such nonlinguistic items as the color white in a body and the knowledge of grammar in (...)
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  27.  20
    Executive Function in Adolescence: Associations with Child and Family Risk Factors and Self-Regulation in Early Childhood.Donna Berthelsen, Nicole Hayes, Sonia L. J. White & Kate E. Williams - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  28. Drugs: In the care of the self.R. J. DeGrandpre & E. White - 1996 - Common Knowledge 5:27-48.
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  29. Paying attention to attention: psychological realism and the attention economy.Dylan J. White - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-22.
    In recent years, philosophers have identified a number of moral and psychological harms associated with the attention economy (Alysworth & Castro, 2021; Castro & Pham, 2020; Williams, 2018). Missing from many of these accounts of the attention economy, however, is what exactly attention is. As a result of this neglect of the cognitive science of attention, many of these accounts are not empirically credible. They rely on oversimplified and unsophisticated accounts of not only attention, but self- control, and addiction as (...)
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    Diodorus' “Master” argument: A semantic interpretation.Michael J. White - 1980 - Erkenntnis 15 (1):65-72.
    This paper discusses the 'master argument' of diodorus cronos from a semantic perspective. An argument is developed which suggests that proposition (1), 'every proposition true about the past is necessary', May have provided the principal motivation for diodorus denial of proposition (3), I.E., His equation of possibility with present-Or-Future truth. It is noted that (1) and (3) are jointly inconsistent only given the assumption of a linear ordering of time. It is further noted that diodorus' fatalism "could" be employed to (...)
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  31. On Continuity: Aristotle versus Topology?Michael J. White - 1988 - History and Philosophy of Logic 9 (1):1-12.
    This paper begins by pointing out that the Aristotelian conception of continuity (synecheia) and the contemporary topological account share the same intuitive, proto-topological basis: the conception of a ?natural whole? or unity without joints or seams. An argument of Aristotle to the effect that what is continuous cannot be constituted of ?indivisibles? (e.g., points) is examined from a topological perspective. From that perspective, the argument fails because Aristotle does not recognize a collective as well as a distributive concept of a (...)
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  32. From the Sin-e Cafe to the Black Hills: Notes on the New Irish. By Eamonn Wall.T. J. White - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (6):820-820.
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  33. Clinical/Scientific Notes.J. Bradley White - unknown
    The blink response to visual threat is a standard bedside method for testing visual processing. In response to a sudden gesture directed toward the eyes, a person with a normal blink response will promptly contract both orbicularis oculi muscles to close the eyelids momentarily. There is no consensus as to whether blinking to visual threat (BVT) is purely reflex1 or a cognitively mediated behavior that heralds consciousness; i.e., is incompatible with the diagnosis of the vegetative state (VS).2,3 Some authors stated (...)
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    Reviewing measures of outcome: reliability of data extraction.K. L. Haywood, J. Hargreaves, R. White & S. E. Lamb - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (2):329-337.
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    Psycholinguistic processes affect fixation durations and orthographic information affects fixation locations: Can e-z reader cope?Simon P. Liversedge & Sarah J. White - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):492-493.
    This commentary focuses on two aspects of eye movement behaviour that E-Z Reader 7 currently makes no attempt to explain: the influence of higher order psycholinguistic processes on fixation durations, and orthographic influences on initial and refixation locations on words. From our understanding of the current version of the model, it is not clear how it may be readily modified to account for existing empirical data.
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  36. DOWNIE, R. S., LOUDFOOT, E. M. and TELFER, E. "Education and Personal Relationships". [REVIEW]J. P. White - 1976 - Mind 85:474.
  37.  14
    Reviews of macromolecular structure: A needed compendium? Protein and nucleic acid structure and dynamics, Edited by J. KING, Annual Reviews Special Collections Programme. Benjamin/Cummings. 1985. Pp. 587. £29.95. [REVIEW]E. James Milner-White - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (2‐3):92-93.
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    Darwinian Evolution and Classical Liberalism: Theories in Tension.Logan Paul Gage, Bruce L. Gordon, Shawn E. Klein, Peter Lawler, Roger Masters, Angus Menuge, Michael J. White, Jay W. Richards, Timothy Sandefur, Richard Weikart, John West & Benjamin Wiker (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Darwinian Evolution and Classical Liberalism brings together a collection of new essays that examine the multifaceted ferment between Darwinian biology and classical liberalism.
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  39. The Lives, Opinions, and Remarkable Sayings of the Most Famous Ancient Philosophers. Written in Greek. To Which Are Added the Lives of Several Other Philosophers.T. Diogenes Laertius, Samuel Eunapius, J. Fetherstone, R. White & E. Philips - 1696 - R. Bentle [Etc.].
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    The clustering of galaxies in the sdss-iii baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: The low-redshift sample.John K. Parejko, Tomomi Sunayama, Nikhil Padmanabhan, David A. Wake, Andreas A. Berlind, Dmitry Bizyaev, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, Frank van den Bosch, Jon Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Luiz Alberto Nicolaci da Costa, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Hong Guo, Eyal Kazin, Marcio Maia, Elena Malanushenko, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Robert C. Nichol, Daniel J. Oravetz, Kaike Pan, Will J. Percival, Francisco Prada, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, David J. Schlegel, Don Schneider, Audrey E. Simmons, Ramin Skibba, Jeremy Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Benjamin A. Weaver, Andrew Wetzel, Martin White, David H. Weinberg, Daniel Thomas, Idit Zehavi & Zheng Zheng - unknown
    We report on the small-scale (0.5 13 h - 1M, a large-scale bias of ~2.0 and a satellite fraction of 12 ± 2 per cent. Thus, these galaxies occupy haloes with average masses in between those of the higher redshift BOSS CMASS sample and the original SDSS I/II luminous red galaxy sample © 2012 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society © doi:10.1093/mnras/sts314.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Jack S. Boozer, Gerhard Böwering, Stephen N. Dunning, Richard E. Palmer, Haim Gordon, J. Kellenberger, Jerald Wallulis, G. Graham White, Thomas O. Buford, C. Stephan Evans & M. Jamie Ferreira - 1988 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (1):43-63.
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  42. Disagreement and alienation.Berislav Marušić & Stephen J. White - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 37 (1):210-227.
    This paper proposes to reorient the philosophical debate about peer disagreement. The problem of peer disagreement is normally seen as a problem about the extent to which disagreement provides one with evidence against one's own conclusions. It is thus regarded as a problem for individual inquiry. But things look different in more collaborative contexts. Ethical norms relevant to those contexts make a difference to the epistemology. In particular, we argue that a norm of mutual answerability applies to us when we (...)
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  43.  80
    Locke on Newton's principia: Mathematics or natural philosophy?Michael J. White - unknown
    In his Essay concerning Human Understanding, John Locke explicitly refers to Newton’s Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica in laudatory but restrained terms: “Mr. Newton, in his never enough to be admired Book, has demonstrated several Propositions, which are so many new Truths, before unknown to the World, and are farther Advances in Mathematical Knowledge” (Essay, 4.7.3). The mathematica of the Principia are thus acknowledged. But what of philosophia naturalis? Locke maintains that natural philosophy, conceived as natural science (as opposed to natural (...)
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    R. J. White: Dr. Bentley. A Study Academic Scarlet. Pp. 303; 16 plates. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1965. Cloth, 37s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]E. J. Kenney - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (02):248-.
  45. Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Sita Anantha Raman, Robert Nichols Richard, Joshua Searle-White, Heather T. Frazer, Timothy Lubin, Robin Rinehart, Joel R. Smith, Andrea Pinkney, David Gordon White, John Powers, Phyllis Herman, Lawrence A. Babb, Carl Olson, June McDaniel, Knut A. Jacobsen, John E. Cort, Gregory P. Fields & Jeffrey J. Kripal - 2000 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 4 (2):185-216.
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    Investigating the causes of wrap-up effects: Evidence from eye movements and E–Z Reader.Tessa Warren, Sarah J. White & Erik D. Reichle - 2009 - Cognition 111 (1):132-137.
  47. A neo-Aristotelian substance ontology: neither relational nor constituent.E. J. Lowe - 2011 - In Tuomas E. Tahko, Contemporary Aristotelian Metaphysics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 229-248.
    Following the lead of Gustav Bergmann ( 1967 ), if not his precise terminology, ontologies are sometimes divided into those that are ‘relational’ and those that are ‘constituent’ (Wolterstorff 1970 ). Substance ontologies in the Aristotelian tradition are commonly thought of as being constituent ontologies, because they typically espouse the hylemorphic dualism of Aristotle ’s Metaphysics – a doctrine according to which an individual substance is always a combination of matter and form. But an alternative approach drawing more on the (...)
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  48. COOPER, D. E. "Illusions of Equality". [REVIEW]J. White - 1982 - Mind 91:302.
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    Clare A. Lees, ed., The Cambridge History of Early Medieval English Literature. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xv, 789; 16 black-and-white figures and 1 map. $180. ISBN: 978-0-521-19058-9. [REVIEW]E. J. Christie - 2015 - Speculum 90 (1):270-271.
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    Responsiveness of the Traumatic Brain Injury Quality of Life Cognition Banks in Recent Brain Injury.Callie E. Tyner, Pamela A. Kisala, Aaron J. Boulton, Mark Sherer, Nancy D. Chiaravalloti, Angelle M. Sander, Tamara Bushnik & David S. Tulsky - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Patient report of functioning is one component of the neurocognitive exam following traumatic brain injury, and standardized patient-reported outcomes measures are useful to track outcomes during rehabilitation. The Traumatic Brain Injury Quality of Life measurement system is a TBI-specific extension of the PROMIS and Neuro-QoL measurement systems that includes 20 item banks across physical, emotional, social, and cognitive domains. Previous research has evaluated the responsiveness of the TBI-QOL measures in community-dwelling individuals and found clinically important change over a 6-month assessment (...)
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